A downloadable game for Windows

Itch.io port announcement from Balloon Co. [marketing division]: First released in 2014 for the Degica(tm) Indie Game Making Contest. Estimated time needed to play:: 25 to 60 min. (You can also Save your game and come back later).

 The following is a historic preservation of the descriptions for the original release as well as the rerelease on tumblr.com. It provides no information about the game you cannot get from the title itself, thus, you should feel no compulsion to read it:

2014 IGMC description:

Hello world, we are Balloon Co. and this is our first finished game-that-isn't-a-minigame-inside-another-unfinished-game! We are very sorry to all of the people who just lost their lunch and/or dinner money investing in "Balloon Co. will never finish a game" wadgers. (We ourselves lost some money in the deal, but we regret nothing for our art!). Oh, you want to know about the game? Um, it has a boss battle.

Tumblr description:

One boss showdown: Our first gaming contests we won!  (Legal disclaimer, we won a participation prize.  However, due to not using the gift card before it expired, Balloon Co. [gaming division] lost its chance to legally transition from amateur to professional status).


One Boss Showdown.exe 189 MB

Install instructions

The .exe file will unpack the required files into the folder of your choice. Double click Game.exe (picture of a red dragon on it) to play.

Development log


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Really didnt expect much form this game due to it's (lack of) screenshots.
But was pleasantly surprised!

The title is what its all about but nice execution and sure feeling entertained so far.
Have reached the "second stage" in a way :-)

I just beat the game.
Wow, that was a journey, really enjoyed it! :-)