Archive for Version Grand.Opening

The following is a historic preservation of an earlier Version of the museum, as well as its announcement.

Estimated time needed to play: It's a museum! You can spend as little or as long as you like in one! The best part of this museum: there's no closing time you need to worry to rush out the door before!

We are Balloon Co. [gaming division] and it is your honor for us to welcome you to the Balloon Co. Gamevertisement Museum Version Grand.Opening ceremonies! After 10 years of crafting sublimetastic electronic entertainment, we’ve decided to celebrate by building an interactive educational virtual space to experience those masterpieces in a brand new gamevertisement way!

Each room of the museum is specially built to give something for everyone in existence. The two types of people in existence:

  1. For gamers and not yet gamers who have never heard of Balloon Co. [gaming division]: Get a quick introeducationduction!
  2. For long time [gaming division] devotees: Find fun facts from fraternizing!

Our museum is game jammed packed with features to enhance your FREE virtual visit:

🎈Dive into bite sized tastes of every public Balloon Co. [gaming division] game (except one) through museum RPG Maker flavored/flavoured Taste-tivities!

🎈Check out our roof, where you can stand in a relaxing memorial garden and contemplate the legally required Resource Credits and Regular Credits! Which are also provided below as a requirement for the game jam this game was originally submitted to!

🎈Experience the imagination immersion experience of a Dead or Live Service game. (Explanation of Dead or Live Service game provided at the end of this description but before the credits wall of text.)

🎈Contemplate and discuss reflection questions smelted by the word smiths of Balloon Co. [MARKETING*DIVISION]. Or rebel against authority and experience the museum without the assistance of guided inquiry! You decide!

🎈And best of all, all gift shops are BANNED from this museum! No need to worry about commercial interests distracting you from your corporate learning experience!

So, scroll down past the credits we have to provide and download your combination of ticket and transportation to virtually visit today!

Explanation of Dead or Live Service game (Credit to [MARKETING*DIVISION] for writing this. We would have asked permission to reuse it from their description of Version Under.Construction, but we were unable to locate them anywhere, so we consider this marketing abandonware, and thus, free for us to use.):

Introducing the FIRST EVER (legal disclaimer, to our current knowledge 7/28/2024) DEAD OR LIVE SERVICE game! Such a concept is so new, the burden falls on us ✨marketers ✨to translate the concept for YOU. However, we are in luck, for we can relate such a concept to a single image, which is the golden ideal for any marketing attempt.

After this sentence, close your eyes, and imagine a cat inside a box 🐈📦 THEN REMEMBER TO OPEN YOUR EYES AGAIN TO READ THE REST OF THIS ✨marketing material ✨!

Thanks to the fact everyone already knows that a cat inside a box is both alive 😸 and dead 🙀 at the exact same time, all you need to do is know that this gamevertisement is 📦PACKED📦 with features that are alive😊 and dead ☠️ at the exact same time. Live Service games have scheduled updates where preplanned features are added. In contrast, our Dead or Live Service game will always continue to have the POSSIBILITY of updates WITHOUT ANY GUARANTEE. Within the game, you will find features that COULD🤔 come in future updates, as well as ones that NEVER SHALL BE!❌ But in the moment, they both ARE and ARE NOT!


Resource List:

Music/ sound effect composition: Non-RPG Maker songs and sound effects composed with Lovely Composer

 ( Dungeon Witches 2 ) (C) 2021-2023 1oogames, doc1oo.


Claus Eggers Sørensen and the collective authors The Playfair Display Project Authors for the Playfair font used in Balloon Co. [MARKETING*DIVISION]’s logo.


Zylos for the script to display logos before the title screen for RPG Maker VX Ace.

Shaz for the script to do effects when states are applied and removed.

Tile sets:

RPG MAKER Futuristic Tiles Resource Pack legally required text: [Copyright](C) 2012 ENTERBRAIN, INC; artist Celianna.

HIGH FANTASY I RESOURCE PACK legally required text: [Copyright](C) 2014 ENTERBRAIN, INC; artist: PVGames.

Royal Tiles Resource Pack legally required text: [Copyright](C) 2014 ENTERBRAIN, INC; creator: Sherman3D

Not legally required special thanks: (Thank you artists Celianna, PVGames, and Sherman3D who actually did the work!)

2D Dominoes Pack and Abstract Texture Pack were both released under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain. So we legally do not need to credit them.

But we’re artists too, so we are collectively ignoring our lawyers directive in order to give credit to Screaming Brain Studios for making them!

Low Tier Hero used a custom WILLIAMS “Double Dragon enemy from an abandoned Beats of Rage project.“ sprite edited by G.M.Spectre. Released under the following license: “Feel free to use these sprite sets how you wish. Just give me a heads up and try not to make the character suck. “ G.M.Spectre has been emailed.

Balloon Co. [gaming division] claims no ownership of Double Dragon.


Engine and Run Time Package: RPG Maker VX Ace C) 2012 ENTERBRAIN, INC./YOJI OJIMA

Game Character Hub by Sébastien Bini. Used to make multiple characters.

Voice: SAM Software Automatic Mouth coded by Imrane03 on gitub

With the following license: "The software is a reverse-engineered version of a commercial software published more than 30 years ago. The current copyright holder is SoftVoice, Inc. (

Any attempt to contact the company failed. The website was last updated in the year 2009. The status of the original software can therefore best described as Abandonware (

As long this is the case I cannot put my code under any specific open source software license Use it at your own risk.

If you have questions don' t hesitate to ask me. If you discovered some new knowledge about the code please file an issue."

This list is accurate TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITIES as of July 28th 2024 for the Under.Construction version of the museum.



“Balloon Co. [gaming division] Logo Jingle”

“Market on a Star: Theme of Balloon Co. [MARKETING*DIVISION]”

“Museum Gazing” (And multiple variations)

“Museum Gazing_MIDI”

“Balloonii, Cat, and Skelly SFX”

All composed by anonymous workers at Balloon Co. [gaming division] and [MARKETING*DIVISION].

"Ah! vous dirai-je, maman" was NOT composed by Balloon Co. [any division]

HOWEVER, it is an anonymous pastoral song dating from 1740, which we made OUR OWN arrangement of.

The actual work of MAKING the game using internal and external resources:

Performed by the anonymous workers at Balloon Co. [gaming division] and [MARKETING*DIVISION], and MIGHT continue to be performed by the anonymous workers at Balloon Co. [gaming division] and [MARKETING*DIVISION]

Special thanks:

Special thanks to Fallible Things for hosting

the Pretentious Jam, which this electronic experience

was a submission to.

Special thanks to Melos Han-Tani.

Future versions of Credits MIGHT need

extra special thanks, which will go here.

Not HERE here, but future here.

Special thanks for Brent Arnold's game Final Profit for the Relic Eye effect

inspiring how Sincere Tears work.


Version_GrandDotOpening.exe 206 MB
Sep 02, 2024

Get The Balloon Co. Gamevertisement Museum

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