Section 1) For submission to the "Minigame a Month - DECEMBER 2023 gamejam", the PETITIONER of Balloon Co. [gaming division] is authorized to submit Exhibit A to the RESPONDENT, Screen Smith Studios. The legal team of Balloon Co. [gaming division] is presenting Exhibit A in support of our motion to present an artistic creation for recognition of brilliance

Section 2) For each exhibit, a NAME, SUMMARY OF CONTENTS, and FOUNDATION shall be provided.
Section 2a)

NameTears of the King's Son: Blue Heaven is a Place on Earth
Summary of contents
Game. Estimated time to complete: ONE minute and THIRTY seconds.
FoundationItem came into current possession due to creating item during the month of December with use of some resources from credited external sources and previous Balloon Co. [gaming division] projects.

Section 3) Definitions: For the purpose of this submission, the following definitions shall be utilized: Section 3a) Maze runner shall be defined as a genre where a character moves through a maze like structure in order to achieve its goals, with famous examples including Pac-man, Pac-man, as well as Pac-man. Section 3b) Reverse Bullet-Hell shall be defined as a genre where an arbitrary large number of bullets fill the screen with the objective being to collide with said bullets instead of dodging them, with famous examples including parts of The Void Rains Upon Her Hearts, [fill in example 2], as well as [fill in example 3].

Section 4)

Section 4a) Whereas: The theme for this jam was "Combine two incompatible genres" and

Section 4b) Whereas: The purpose of a Reverse Bullet-Hell is to freely navigate towards bullets is incomparable with the mechanic of a Maze Runner which restricts movement and

Section 4c) Whereas: The work on Exhibit A started after November 2023 and was submitted before January 2024 WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SOME ASSETS CREATED BEFORE THIS DATE AND ALLOWED UNDER RULE #2 (THE MAJORITY OF WHICH COME FROM SOURCE IDENTIFIED IN APPENDIX A) AND EXTERNAL RESOURCES WHICH HAVE FULL PERMISSION AS INDICATED IN CREDITS AT THE END OF THE GAME THUS FULFILLING RULE #3 Addendum: If the credits at the end of the game are not satisfactory, a text file copy of credits with name "Credits.txt" can presented upon request. Or from the downloads section.

Section 4d) Thereheretofore: Exhibit A produced by Balloon Co. [gaming division] fulfills the requirements of the Gaming Jamboree and ought to be included amongst the participants.
Section 4e) Thereheretofore: Exhibit A provides a REASONABLE ALIBI for any accusations of ILLEGAL GAME MAKING during the month of DECEMBER due to the work required to produce within such a time frame. Exhibit A shall NOT be considered as a FRONT for the secret creation of any ILLEGAL GAME(S). Any theoretical ILLEGAL GAME(S) that Balloon Co. [gaming division] is or could be accused of making shall also NOT be considered as a BACK for the secret EXTRA SUPER EVEN MORE CONCERNING illegal activity of the Balloon Co. [all divisions] company as a whole.
Section 5)
Section 5a) Severability: If any part of this [fill in type of legal document] is found INVALID in a court of law, due to a stature, rule, or physical statue engraving, or due to any other form of invalidation, you HAVE to let the rest of this [fill in type of legal document] not be affected thereby because a severability clause was included!
Section 5b) Warranty: There is none. Good luck!

Section the final one)
We, the lawyers of Balloon Co. [gaming division], are unable to fully CERTIFY that everything stated in this document is TRUE on account of Balloon Co. [gaming division] employees' nasty habit of flat out lying to us. Inhowevercontrast: we can certify that an independent investigation of falsehood has come up NEGATIVE, which strengthens the case that said information was provided IN GOOD FAITH.

Signature is not required for [fill in type of legal document] nor is de-anonymization of lawyers. Date: 12/27/2023

Appendix A: Source of Assets

Many visual assets are attributed to the Balloon Co. [gaming division] game titled "Can-Can Cancan!" and thus spiritually, morally, and most important LEGALLY requires the following GIF to accompany [fill in type of legal document].


Download 29 MB
Credits.txt 1.5 kB

Install instructions

Appendix B: Instructions for installation are NOT PROVIDED. User must be capable of either playing game in a browser supported by default Godot HTML export, or opening on Windows the provided default Godot Windows executable. Balloon Co. [gaming division] accepts NO LIABILITY for failure to experience Exhibit A.

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