Estimated game length: Around 20 minutes.

Game description:

/Alright Balloon Co. [marketing division], here is the form you need to fill out for the Itchy website and translation. One last thing: any text between two backslashes will totally not be seen by the public. So, feel free to put any secrets there that you don't want the public or us to see! Just like this message. ~Balloon Co. [gaming division]/

:computer_emoji: .....Great news, gamers!..... :controller_emoji:

Embedded above is your chance to read and react to riveting and revolutionary words! Do NOT miss your chance to experience the latest masterpiece from the studio that brought you Proxyrunner: Pilcrow Shift and Tears of the King's Son: Blue Heaven is a Place on Earth:

Cheer Up Skelly!

/Where are the images! People need to see the good graphics! Gamers NEED graphics!/

/There aren't any, its just text. But I've got something/

/Finally, a chance to use a professional logo synergizing our brand with a third party product/

The game where you make choices to try to cheer up a skeleton who's back from the dead!

/Doesn't this violate the rule where we aren't supposed to spoil what's in the game?/

/That rule is the dumbest rule in the world. How are we supposed to market this game without saying anything about the game? Besides, its in the ACTUAL TITLE. There is no way any normal person would consider that a spoiler./

For the very first time, play a Balloon Co. [gaming division] game optimized for both computer :computermouse_emoji: AND on your phone! :phone_emoji:

If you liked that game where you play as a lawyer pointing at things, :lawyer_emoji: and also that game where you summon demons :devil_emoji:, but only the part where you go to school and talk to people without those cool demons, :teacher_emoji: then this game is like if those games met each other! :heart_emoji:

/I don't understand this part./

/What, did you sleep through your video game marketing classes? Game 1 meets Game 2 is essential to describe any game in existence!/

/Well how did the first video game market itself if there weren't any games to compare it to?/
/Poorly, now quit being a nerd and figure out a positive spin on how this game was clearly written with ZERO intelligence./

For all you virtual vegans out there, we are proud to report that the game Cheer Up Skelly! was created without any use of Artificial Intelligence at all!

/Reminder: address the use of automated responses which may be confused as AI./

/Do we have to lie about the Balloon Co. [gaming division] employees pretending to be robots by adding "beep boop" to the end of their messages?/
/Yes Toomas, we legally have to lie about it./

All Balloon Co. [gaming division] use of automatic responses are hand crafted by real humans predicting ahead of time the possible concerns of the gaming community and contain no traces of using machine learning of any kind.

So, now that you know your gaming choice was an ethical one :peacesign_emoji: 

Get ready to cheer as you are filled with cheer from cheering up a skeleton in:

Cheer Up Skelly!